viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016

The Wasps

“The Wasps”
Questions about the autor
Which kind of author lies upon The wasps?  Aristophanes, from my point of view is the one who sets the tone in political literature, it could be considered the first authors of this item if not the first. He is interested in what society involves.

Did he have in mind any reader? Yes, this book is aimed at Greek society. It reflects the situation in which the Greek people, where political interests outweighed the needs of the people, an achievement that the Greeks identified with their works is immersed.

Did he set a specific contract on it? Yes, I cause a few laughs because while generating awareness about the urgency for better management of government, somewhat sarcastically mocks the situation of society.

Questions about Sources

 Is History the real and direct source? Yes, we can fully be sure, that what Aristophanes exposes us is real, since all these problems developed in his time, as he wrote the work.

How far personal affairs influence the Plot? Much since the failure to agree on various leaves his stamp on the work, like the bad relationship between father and son is reflected finally makes clear its view, reflects their biases without problem.

Is this a theater-play about Justice?
If, as you write something that can go on stage, besides that is written as a theatrical script and plot are the central political issues.

It's a comic book, in which a critical unusual structure and governance of the Greek society arises. What really surprises me is how men do not learn from mistakes, always fall on the same stone, this work is a reflection of that.
Honestly I can not tell whether coincidence or not, but it seems that author had presaged the future, since it is a perfect copy of our society today.

Finally in the literary aspect, highly recommend the work, it marks a before and now comedy, break all schemes, it criticizes and makes comedy at a time. And makes it clear that the theater are actions that can display on stage

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